Eat Healthy and Exercise

March 7, 2016

Popular Weigh-Loss Diets and their Long-Term Success

Filed under: Diets — admin @ 2:17 pm

Nearly two out of three Americans are now considered overweight or obese. That’s why so many people make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, become more active, and feel better. Among popular diets – Atkins and South Beach, Weight Watchers, Mediterranean, DASH, Sugar Busters, and many more – are any especially effective? Hard to say, there’s not enough evidence for a definitive judgment. Read more!

October 4, 2015

The Best Diets for Weight Loss

Filed under: Diets, Weight Loss — admin @ 7:50 pm

You already know the basics for losing weight, but of course putting everything together is a whole different story. The simple statement of burning more calories than you consume is easy to understand, but not everybody has the resources to make it happen in real life. Sometimes it makes access more likely when you have an actual plan in place or at the very least, a general guideline to follow. It’s always important to consider your overall health when looking for diets that work rather than focusing on quick results. If you are dedicated then there’s no reason you can’t lose weight in a reasonable amount of time, but of course the real secret is keeping it off in the long run. Here is my list of the best diets that work for fat loss, and some of them get great results when followed properly. Read more!

November 9, 2014

Tips and Tricks for The Fastest Way to Lose Weight

Filed under: Diets, Exercise, Weight Loss — admin @ 5:54 pm

Keep a weight loss Journal – some people equate keeping a journal with having a diary, but when it comes to weight loss they are entirely separate things. Yes, you are free to record your emotions and personal experiences in your weight loss journal, but it is also a valuable resource that you can use to record various tidbits of information that you will come across. Instead of just a place where you vent your frustrations, it can actually serve as a guidebook that you adapt and change as you progress towards a healthier body. Usually people just go about things without a proper plan in place, but starting with a weight loss Journal will help to keep you organized and on track whether you want to lose weight in a week or come up with a long-term sustainable plan. Read more!

March 5, 2014

Dieting is Hard

Filed under: Diets — admin @ 10:02 pm

I have never had much luck with dieting and I wasn’t even sure what the term meant in the first place. There was a time when I considered dieting to simply be the act of limiting what I eat and controlling my daily menu. It had a negative connotation and every time I wanted to drop a few pounds I told myself that I had to go on “a diet”. I would start to think about how many salads I had to eat or how I could replace my favourite junk foods with fruits and vegetables. There were times when I even skipped meals because I thought it would be a healthy way to supplement my diet since I wasn’t getting as many calories. But more often than not, I would lose weight and then quickly proceed to gain it all back. It was a frustrating process that left me tired and defeated and not to mention hungry all the time. Read more!

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