Eat Healthy and Exercise

January 3, 2021

Do not Skip Main Meals of the Day

Filed under: Healthy Eating — admin @ 12:29 am

No matter how healthy you are now, it’s likely that you’ve indulged in a few bad eating habits in your lifetime. It’s perfectly natural to look for shortcuts or neglect the way you eat because sometimes it’s not something you think about on a regular basis. And let’s not make things too dramatic here – it’s important to realize that eating a muffin or cookie from time to time is not going to kill you. Read more!

July 5, 2020

How to Tell Good Fats from Bad?

Filed under: Healthy Eating — admin @ 9:55 pm

Research into how diet can affect health and prevent disease has expanded almost as fast as the obesity rate in the United States. Sometimes it’s a struggle for patients and their physicians to keep up with constantly changing dietary guidelines. Patients are understandably confused. But, in principle, nothing dramatic has really changed. In general, science keeps returning to the overall principle – that people are eating too many calories and not getting enough exercise. Read more!

May 28, 2019

Foods to Avoid if You Wish to Lose Weight

Filed under: Healthy Eating, Weight Loss — admin @ 7:55 pm

Most people want to find the fastest route to weight loss possible. Sometimes this will lead people to obsess over everything that they eat. But one path to fast weight loss is through eliminating certain foods from your diet. This doesn’t require a lot of effort, since all you have to do is not consume the item in question. Obviously it will take a certain degree of willpower if we’re talking about something that you love to eat. And you will still have to exercise if you want to maintain healthy fat loss. But eliminating high calorie foods with little nutritional value is an excellent way to contribute to healthy weight loss. Here are some foods you should look to cut out from your everyday diet. Read more!

February 12, 2015

Health Risks Associated with Eating Read Meat

Filed under: Healthy Eating — admin @ 12:00 am

Studies have repeatedly linked red meat with increased risk of heart disease, apparently because it is often loaded with artery-clogging saturated fat. But chicken – and even fish if fried – can contain at least as much saturated-fat as lean cuts of beef, pork or lamb. Studies have also linked red meat with cancer and diabetes. But those risks – if they are confirmed by further research – may stem more from processing and cooking methods and heavy consumption than from any inherent dangers of the meat. Here is a rundown of the known and possible risks. Read more!

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