Eat Healthy and Exercise

March 5, 2014

Dieting is Hard

Filed under: Diets — admin @ 10:02 pm

I have never had much luck with dieting and I wasn’t even sure what the term meant in the first place. There was a time when I considered dieting to simply be the act of limiting what I eat and controlling my daily menu. It had a negative connotation and every time I wanted to drop a few pounds I told myself that I had to go on “a diet”. I would start to think about how many salads I had to eat or how I could replace my favourite junk foods with fruits and vegetables. There were times when I even skipped meals because I thought it would be a healthy way to supplement my diet since I wasn’t getting as many calories. But more often than not, I would lose weight and then quickly proceed to gain it all back. It was a frustrating process that left me tired and defeated and not to mention hungry all the time. Read more!

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