Eat Healthy and Exercise

December 14, 2015

How to Lose Belly Fat and Shed Those Last 10 Pounds

Filed under: Exercise, Weight Loss — admin @ 12:50 am

When it comes to losing weight, the belly seems to be a popular area of focus. After all, a big belly can be quite noticeable even if you try to hide it with clothing. A sneaky belly has a way of making itself known to its owner and to casual observers as well. When it comes to your health, fat in the stomach area can lead to complications and more serious problems. The good news is you don’t have to idly sit by and let your belly take control of your life. Whether you want to achieve a six pack or simply trim down a little bit, the most important step for fat loss in the belly area is getting active. Here are some other tips if your goal is to lose belly fat.

When it comes to your diet, make sure to avoid fast weight loss schemes that are based on deprivation. Losing belly fat does not mean that you have to starve yourself. And in fact, if all you ever do to lose belly fat is limit your diet you can expect to damage your metabolism. This will make it even harder to lose fat in that area, and increases the chances that you will gain weight in the long run.

Try to get as much nutrition from various food groups as possible. Don’t turn to “low fat” or “fat free” options without reading the labels first. A lot of times a healthy diet with good choices is a better alternative than only eating “fat free” or “diet” foods.

Make sure to drink as much water as you can to keep yourself hydrated. Water has a tremendous effect on your outer appearance in addition to that of your overall health. It will also help to flush toxins out of your body while helping your liver to function properly. Water is essential for life and it will keep your metabolism running at peak efficiency. And don’t forget about re-hydrating yourself after exercise.

You can concentrate on your belly area with specific exercises which include abdominal workouts, and this can be done using appropriate exercise equipment. While you don’t have to go and do 100 sit ups a day, you should look for ways to work out your stomach muscles, and there are different types of home exercise equipment that can help. Light crunches or controlled stretching can strengthen your stomach area which will give you more support in the back as well. This is a good step in for preventing back pain or back problems in the future. Some popular exercises that focus on the belly area include crunches, curls, the pelvic thrust, and a bicycle movement on your back. Your body offers natural resistance for each of these exercises as you either lift your legs or top torso above the ground while lying on your back. The advantage to building up your muscles will be an increased rate of burning fat, which can give you some great results when combined with other types of exercise. More msucles can also help prevent back pain and injuries if done properly. Sometimes getting a personal trainer has proven to garner good results as well.

It is also important to get cardiovascular exercise if you want to lose belly fat. This can include something as simple as going for a walk when you are just starting a new work out. Make sure to stretch before hand and afterwards to prevent injury. Eventually you will want to work up and to a level where you can sustain a full body workout such as going swimming or playing tennis. Joining a gym or fitness studio is also an option. Working-out your entire body is an excellent way to get rid of belly fat. Even though you are not concentrating on the area directly, it is one of the first place is that you can notice weight loss (and weight gain). A full workout will raise your metabolism in addition to burning calories. This combined with increasing the muscles in your belly area will help to burn off fat in that region.

One approach to losing belly fat is to concentrate on an overall workout for a healthier lifestyle. If you only concentrate on your stomach, you can become too obsessed and lose focus. If you put all your energy towards getting healthier and exercising regularly, losing fat in your belly area is a natural by-product. As a result, it might help to move away from focusing on the question of how to lose belly fat, and more towards how to incorporate daily exercise and healthy eating into your regular routine.

The body will sometimes come to a standstill when it comes to losing that last ten pounds. What your body is really saying is that it’s time for a change in the exercise routine.

Circuit training could be one of the keys to help you break that barrier. Circuit training, designed for enhancing muscular endurance, utilizes a series of exercise stations with relatively brief rest intervals between stations. The number of stations may range from four to ten. A typical circuit of four to ten stations might use aerobic warm-up stations, (the stationary bike or treadmill) followed by exercise stations using free weights or single station weight machines.

A good example of circuit training in a more natural environment is par course exercise. This method intersperses walking and jogging with a variety of flexibility, muscular endurance, and strength exercises. Depending on the number of stations, the circuit completed would be equivalent to 20-45 minutes of aerobic exercise.

The key to success is to set the workload at each station to 50-70 percent of your functional capacity. This percentage will depend on the mode, duration and intensity of each exercise station as well as the session as a whole. This form of training can significantly improve cardio respiratory endurance and to help bust you through the plateaus of shedding that last ten pounds. Remember exercising is half the battle, the other half is making sure you are following a sound and nutritional program.

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