Eat Healthy and Exercise

May 28, 2019

Foods to Avoid if You Wish to Lose Weight

Filed under: Healthy Eating, Weight Loss — admin @ 7:55 pm

Most people want to find the fastest route to weight loss possible. Sometimes this will lead people to obsess over everything that they eat. But one path to fast weight loss is through eliminating certain foods from your diet. This doesn’t require a lot of effort, since all you have to do is not consume the item in question. Obviously it will take a certain degree of willpower if we’re talking about something that you love to eat. And you will still have to exercise if you want to maintain healthy fat loss. But eliminating high calorie foods with little nutritional value is an excellent way to contribute to healthy weight loss. Here are some foods you should look to cut out from your everyday diet.

1. Soft drinks. There is almost no redeeming nutritional value to drinking soft drinks. Aside from maybe the fact that they contain water, everything else about a soft drink is bad for you. One can of pop can contain up to 160 calories and a whole lot of sugar. If you can simply eliminate all of the soft drinks from your diet chances are you will lose weight over the course of time. Remember that diet soft drinks aren’t that much better and they still contain a lot of sugar.

Be careful with fruit juices too because they can also contain a lot of calories. Some of them might be better for you nutritionally, but many have added sugar and a high calorie count so watch out.

2. White bread. If given the choice, you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who enjoys whole wheat bread over white bread. White bread is simply delicious and it goes perfectly with sandwiches, toast, or just by itself. Unfortunately, one of the reasons why white bread tastes so good is because it is refined – meaning it has a high sugar content. It also has less nutritional value and fiber than its whole wheat cousin.

3. Butter. Butter taste great on everything, and some foods just aren’t complete without it. But butter is a source of the fat and high cholesterol. There are some healthier alternatives to using butter, but the best thing to do is to try it to eliminate it completely. It might take some time to get used to certain dishes without butter, but it’s also an easy route to eliminate a lot of calories. The same goes for mayonnaise, salad dressings, cheese, or anything else that is rich and creamy.

4. Fat dairy products. We’re mostly talking about ice cream here, but this can also include homogenized milk or heavy cream. Dairy products are an important part of the food group pyramid, but try to make smart choices and substitutions when possible. Skim milk and 1% milk are always preferable to fatter alternatives. And of course getting back to ice cream, it’s OK to treat yourself once in awhile but eliminating ice cream is also an easy way to eliminate excess calories.

5. Alcohol. Something like a beer has a lot of empty calories and nearly no nutritional value. It may be the perfect accompaniment to a great meal or something that can go well while watching football, but you really are doing yourself any favours. Studies have shown that drinking red wine can be good for your heart, but if we’re talking just about calories than most drinks are off limits. Drinking a lot of alcohol is a sure-fire way to end up gaining weight.

6. Processed meats. You probably already know how bad processed meats can be for you. Sometimes it’s easier to ignore this fact because they offer such convenience, not to mention that they can actually taste good. But it’s all processed meats have a variety of preservatives and ingredients that might not be exactly natural. It’s best to stay away from these types of food sources if possible.

7. Dessert. There’s nothing like a great dessert to top off a wonderful meal. But one way to ensure that you don’t consume more calories than you need is to skip the desert once in awhile. This way you want depriving or starving yourself in any way, in fact you are simply choosing not to consume access calories. There is almost no dessert food that is good for you unless we’re talking about fresh fruits, but we all know dessert means cake and pie for most people.

8. Fast food. This one probably doesn’t even have to be mentioned since it’s common knowledge that fast food is bad for you. Whether we’re talking about your weight, your cholesterol levels, or your overall health, there is no redeeming quality of fast food. Some of the numbers associated with fast food in terms of salt and calories are actually quite staggering. The good news is that if fast food happens to be a mainstay of your diet, eliminating it can help you lose weight.

It’s understandable if you can’t eliminate all of these foods completely from your diet. And no one will he says that you have to if you want to lose weight or that healthy. A better goal is to learn how to moderate your consumption so that you can still enjoy the things you like eating all having a better diet overall. Don’t try to do everything at once because it can be overwhelming, especially since you probably had the same eating patterns for quite some time. Even small successes can build up to bigger things if you are patient subset smaller goals for yourself to start off.

Everyone has real life matters prevents them from eating as healthy as they would like all the time. Sometimes when you’re rushing to get home from work and don’t have time to cook for yourself then you have to make the choice between fast food and going hungry. Many instances like these happen every day and it’s why people run into problems with overall nutrition. It seems strange but it definitely takes effort in order to feed yourself properly. Sometimes filling your stomach isn’t enough and you really have to keep track of what you consume on a regular basis. That means it takes more work to research various healthy meal options or fat burning foods that you want to incorporate into your daily menu. No one said it would be easy, and nothing in life that is worth doing rarely comes without effort. But the benefits to eating well are incredible, and it won’t be long before you get used to your new healthier diet.

One of the most important steps is to be fully aware of what you eat. See if you can remember what you had for lunch yesterday or even dinner two days ago. Chances are you have probably forgotten because there was no planning in your daily menu process. Remember that education is the key and the first thing most people have to learn about is their own diet. So keep track of the things you eat and see how many of these foods make it onto that list. Sometimes you can see on loans that are so glaring that you wonder why you haven’t addressed them before. When you break things down into steps that a new diet and healthy living plan is much more manageable.

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